Expert Care From A Professional Dental Cleaning

expert-care-from-a-professional-dental-cleaningYour standard dental appointment should occur every six months. Part of why these visits matter is because you receive an advanced cleaning from your hygienist. This involves the removal of plaque and tartar (hardened plaque your toothbrush can leave behind), along with treatment to make it more difficult for plaque to stick to teeth. These cleanings, combined with a review of your oral health by your dentist, help you stay free of dental problems. It should be noted that if you come in for an appointment with a problem that needs to be addressed, your dentist can explain what is wrong, and schedule a prompt treatment to help correct the matter. (more…)

Why Does My Tooth Ache?

greenhaven-toothacheDo you notice a sudden pain in your teeth? Does one or more of your teeth feel sensitive, particularly to hot or cold temperatures? Often this is an indicator of a problem, one that a dental professional will need to address. If you’re wondering why your tooth aches, then talk to your dentist today. Treating the case of your aches in a timely manner is often necessary to avoid more serious complications.


Ready For A Dental Crown?

greenhaven-crownsWe offer an array of restorations designed to improve the function and health of a tooth, such as inlays, onlays, fillings, and crowns. A dental crown can address a number of both cosmetic and restorative issue, reshaping the tooth and protecting it from further damage. Do you need a dental crown? How are they placed and what do we make them from?
