Do you wake up feeling tired, or do you wind up exhausted even before noon? If you struggle with achieving a decent night of sleep on a routine basis, you could have a common sleep disorder that is preventing you from getting the rest that you need. One of these conditions is known as chronic… Read more »
You spend a significant portion of your life asleep and just because your brain is unconscious, your body could be at risk of harm from your overnight activity. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is a prevalent sleep disorder in which your throat involuntarily collapses and blocks your airway. This happens as a result of the temporary… Read more »
Obstructive sleep apnea is the term for harmful pauses in breathing overnight due to a blocked airway. Often patients will feel that their troublesome snoring is nothing more than a mere annoyance until their loved ones push them to seek care. This condition can cause serious issues with your overall health if ignored, such as… Read more »
Sleep disorders are highly prevalent in the United States. In fact, an estimated 70 million of us have a health concern that affects the quality of our rest. These affect our daily energy either by limiting quality or duration of sleep. Surprisingly, some of the most common forms center around the mouth! If you find… Read more »
Many people snore from time to time, and it is no serious health concern. But for a significant segment of the population, this can be a sign of something much more harmful. And this can affect not only the quality of your sleep but your overall wellbeing, as well. Sleep apnea refers to momentary pauses… Read more »