How Do You Replace Missing Teeth?

greenhavendenturesHave you lost one or more permanent teeth? If so, then you understand how losing teeth can impact both your appearance and your confidence levels. However, you may not be aware that losing a tooth can lead to facial collapse, further tooth loss, and even misalignment. Eventually, you may also develop trouble eating or communicating. How do you replace missing teeth? Fortunately, we can recommend lifelike and long lasting dental prosthetics.


What Is A Scaling And Root Planing?

greenhavenscalingrootplaningYou probably know all about dental cleanings. After all, our oral health depends on having one performed about once every six months. But what do you know about a deep cleaning? Also known as a scaling and root planing, this procedure can help reverse the early stages of gum disease. What is a scaling and root planing? How does the procedure help address periodontal disease?


How Do You Treat Sleep Apnea?

greenhavensleepapneaDid you know that over ten million people have trouble sleeping as a result of a common disorder? Obstructive sleep apnea, sometimes referred to as “OSA”, can lead to exhaustion and a host of other health complications. How do you treat sleep apnea? We can actually help reduce symptoms and improve rest without surgery; instead, we can offer a comfortable oral appliance.
