Anxious About A Dental Treatment? Talk To Your Dentist

Some patients will have no trouble seeing their dentist, even if they need to have restorative dental work done. However, it is not so easy for everyone to spend time in the dentist’s chair. Some patients can experience anxiety, and feel reluctant to go in for a treatment. Other patients will have what is known as dental fear, a more pronounced concern about seeing their dentist. Nitrous oxide can help put you at ease when you come in for an appointment, or need work done. This relaxing agent is counted on to help patients manage their discomfort, and enjoy the care they need without experiencing undue stress. (more…)

How A Dental Filling Supports Your Tooth After A Cavity

Why does your dentist need to provide you with a dental filling when you have a cavity? While your teeth can recover from some damage, the effects of a cavity are permanent. What that means is the portion of a tooth affected by tooth decay is lost, and you will need something to help support that tooth. A dental filling made from composite resin can bond directly to your tooth, and occupy the space where your cavity occurred. This will offer structural support, but you also benefit from the appearance of the composite resin, which will look enough like your enamel to avoid calling attention to itself. (more…)

Spotting Signs Of Gingivitis

Gingivitis can be a painless condition – would you be able to recognize signs of an infection in your gum tissue? While they may not feel painful, you could be tipped off by gum sensitivity. In addition, you may identify other symptoms, like gums that look puffy or swollen, or have a reddish hue. You should know that bleeding can also signify an infection. If you are concerned about your periodontal health, you should take action. When nothing is done about gingivitis, your condition can worsen, and you could find yourself dealing with periodontitis. This more advanced infection can be managed, but to fully reverse the condition, you should seek care when you are at the stage of gingivitis. (more…)

Supporting Your Smile With A Professional Dental Cleaning

It is hard to overstate how important good daily oral care is for your dental health. Brushing at least twice a day, and flossing at least once, can make it significantly easier for you to prevent the formation of cavities. Unfortunately, one thing the best at-home habits are not able to do is effectively address tartar. Once plaque hardens into tartar, it can stay on your teeth until you receive a professional cleaning during a routine dental checkup. In addition to taking care of any tartar they find, your hygienist can also make sure to thoroughly clean areas of your teeth that are more difficult for you to reach. (more…)

Why Do I Need To Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

You may be aware of the fact that many people will have their wisdom teeth removed. However, you may be unsure of why this needs to take place. Why do these teeth cause issues for people? Your wisdom teeth arrive later in life than your other teeth, and they can often erupt in ways that are disruptive. They could arrive and press against neighboring teeth, creating discomfort, but their improper eruption can also create concerns for your jawbone, or your nerves. Your dentist can extract wisdom teeth, to spare you from these issues. (more…)