2 Common Questions About Your Tongue

tongueteethwomanDo you generally spend your dental hygiene sessions focusing on your teeth and gums? Don’t worry, you are certainly placing your efforts in the right place. However, when it comes to your tongue, you may find yourself wondering about your daily care and whether you need to consider it an essential member of the oral health club. The answer is a resounding, “Yes!” While you don’t need to do anything too special, there are certainly a couple common questions worth asking (so we can provide you with the surprisingly helpful answers).


Dental Fillings: Let Us Fill You In

toothfullwhiteAre you generally a responsible adult who follows the suggestions of your dentist and doctor – but there’s something about scheduling restorative care visits that causes you to hesitate? Don’t worry – when patients discover they need a dental filling or other restoration, they often find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. They know the right thing to do is to schedule the appointment but they have questions that they need answered first. In the name of education and ensuring our patients feel informed, we always welcome your questions and offer thorough explanations. For the time being, consider some introductory details about fillings that will help you feel confident.


Gingivitis: What Am I Missing?

womanwonderingredHave you experienced gingivitis, feeling completely surprised that you could possible succumb to this oral health problem? After all, you take care of your smile with great dedication, so what’s the problem? In many instances, it turns out that patients care for their smile with enthusiasm – but they make a couple missteps that lead to poor results rather than good ones. When it comes to protecting your smile from periodontal disease, we encourage you to consider some essential aspects of care you may simply be overlooking.


Restorative Dentistry: What Is It?

questionmarkblueAre you ever worried about your oral health? Are you concerned about what might happen if you skip a brushing session or two, if you accidentally bite into something too hard for your teeth, or if some other trauma occurs? The good news is that we offer restorative dentistry for when you require some type of repair. Rather than leave you with a general understanding, we encourage you to become more familiar with the details. Read through some helpful information and you will find that receiving restorative care is something you can feel good about.


3 Tips For Effective Dental Hygiene

tipslineWe always encourage our patients to schedule visits with us once every six months for a thorough preventive dentistry appointment – this includes a dental cleaning and a dental checkup. However, this is not all it takes to make sure you maintain a beautiful smile that looks lovely and functions well. You also need to practice optimal dental hygiene in the comfort of your own home as an essential portion of preventive care that works. Allow us to offer a few helpful tips.
