No one wants to live a life where they feel forced to hide their smile and suffer through chronic pain, but that can be what faces you after suffering tooth loss. When you lose an adult tooth, it can be traumatic, and it certainly causes adjustments in your lifestyle. You may no longer be able… Read more »
Poor Gum Health Can Be Costly
You may already know that maintaining proper oral hygiene is the smart thing to do. When you brush your teeth, floss, and visit your dentist regularly, you’re less likely to develop cavities and gum disease. It can be easy to let some of these positive habits slip amidst a busy schedule. If you need an… Read more »
Are You Ready for the New Insurance Year?
Mid-November is when many of the enrollment periods for insurance programs end. This is the time to determine what your insurance benefit structure will look like for the following calendar year. Depending on your insurance provider, you will have many options for what all of your healthcare — including your dental healthcare — looks like…. Read more »
How to Protect Your Children’s Dental Health
As a parent, you’re determined to do all you can to care for the health and wellbeing of your children. Dental health is a vital part of your children’s overall wellbeing, and you have a huge role in how your child learns about and practices dental health. By making regular appointments with the right dentist,… Read more »