Do you notice a sudden pain in your teeth? Does one or more of your teeth feel sensitive, particularly to hot or cold temperatures? Often this is an indicator of a problem, one that a dental professional will need to address. If you’re wondering why your tooth aches, then talk to your dentist today. Treating… Read more »
How Do You Avoid Tooth Decay?
With Halloween coming up next week, tooth decay is on the mind of every dental professional in the country. Both kids and adults who consume excessive quantities of candy can experience a higher risk of cavities. How do you avoid tooth decay? What steps can you take to safeguard your smile?
Ready For A Dental Crown?
We offer an array of restorations designed to improve the function and health of a tooth, such as inlays, onlays, fillings, and crowns. A dental crown can address a number of both cosmetic and restorative issue, reshaping the tooth and protecting it from further damage. Do you need a dental crown? How are they placed… Read more »
My Tooth Hurts, Do I Need A Filling?
Have you noticed your tooth hurts and the pain has lasted for more than two days? If so, it’s likely not due to sinuses or other issues, but potentially a result of tooth decay. We recommend seeing the dentist as soon as possible to discuss treatment options. If your tooth hurts, we may need to… Read more »