If you continue to put off a trip to see your dentist for a routine checkup, you can make yourself more vulnerable to problems that negatively affect your appearance and oral health. Unless your dentist identifies a reason for you to follow something different, you should plan on scheduling appointments every six months. If you… Read more »
When Treatment Involves Tooth Extraction
When you see your dentist to address an active problem, you can understandably hope for a conservative treatment. At our Baxter, MN dentist’s office, we are committed to protecting patients’ smiles while minimizing changes to their tooth structure, and to their smile. Unfortunately, sometimes a more involved procedure, including treatment that includes an extraction, is… Read more »
What To Expect From Your Dental Prosthetic
When you lose teeth, you can expect problems with your bite function, as well as an increased discomfort in the way you look. However, you may be less sure of what to expect after you undergo treatment to restore gaps caused by tooth loss. Will you have an easier time biting and chewing? Will your… Read more »
Smile Care With Tooth-Colored Crowns
At regular dental appointments, your Baxter, MN dentist helps you avoid problems that call for restorative care. These appointments also give us opportunities to watch for signs of trouble and recommend care. If you need a dental crown, we can provide one that is custom-made to support your smile and bite function. For teeth that… Read more »
How A Scaling And Root Planing Addresses Gingivitis
What steps should you take to fight gingivitis? If you think your gums are in poor health, you should know that your dentist can help. One of the services your Baxter, MN dentist’s office provides during a routine dental exam and cleaning is a scaling and root planing. Unlike a standard teeth cleaning, your scaling… Read more »