What stands between you and better oral health? For some, the issue of dental anxiety makes it difficult to arrange the appropriate services, even when they have active concerns about their oral health. At our Baxter, MN dentist’s office, we can make it easier for anxious patients to see us for the different services that… Read more »
When You Receive A Prosthetic Tooth
What should you really expect when you undergo treatment that leads to the placement of a prosthetic tooth? Is your smile going to look natural, and will you be able to put bite pressure on your restoration? There are different strategies that are recommended when patients require prosthetic work, as there are different degrees of… Read more »
Professional Teeth Cleanings And Tartar Removal
Is tartar a problem for your smile? It can become one in less time than you might expect. This substance forms when plaque deposits calcify and harden to the point where you cannot remove the buildup through brushing and flossing alone. Fortunately, there is something that can be done about this substance. During your regular… Read more »
Capping An Unhealthy Tooth With A Crown
When teeth are no longer in good health, it can sometimes be necessary to provide permanent support with a dental crown. These restorations are used when fillings are not able to address the damage to your enamel caused by a cavity. They are also effective at tending to dental injuries that require cosmetic as well… Read more »
Will Restorative Work Affect My Smile?
It is important that you schedule restorative dental work when you have an active oral health problem. Going without treatment means leaving yourself at risk for complications that can leave an already unhealthy tooth in even worse condition. Eventually, a problem that is not addressed can grow so severe that the tooth has to be… Read more »