When you think of breathing problems, you probably think of a condition like “asthma.” If you suffer from asthma, you’re probably already well aware. Not every breathing problem is something you experience consciously. In fact, one of the most common breathing issues happens when you’re asleep. Sleep apnea is a condition that affects many adults… Read more »
Dental Technology Designed for You
Everyone loves a new toy or gadget, mostly because these advances in technology are designed to make life easier. For your dentist new technology doesn’t just provide a fun update on the way they clean teeth or check for cavities, but it also makes life better for you, the patient. When dental technology improves accuracy… Read more »
Can Your Teeth Take the Pressure?
It’s easy to take it for granted, but your teeth are incredibly strong. The act of chewing food generates a lot of force, and as a result, a lot of pressure on your teeth. With strong, healthy teeth in place, that pressure is nothing to worry about. However, if your teeth have been damaged by… Read more »
Take Simple Preventive Steps to Save Your Teeth
The long-term health of your teeth is determined by the little things you do every day. Your teeth are incredibly durable and resilient, but they still need your help to last throughout your lifetime. Keeping them clean reduces staining and allows your teeth to enjoy a strong, healthy existence. Brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist… Read more »