Anxiety about dental work can have a pretty clear impact on your ability to receive the oral health care you need. Patients who suffer this discomfort may be put off by the information they need restorative dental care, but feel no concern about a standard dental checkup. However, others may be alarmed at the thought of going in for even a routine dental exam. Nitrous oxide can be administered during your dental visit, and it can help keep you relaxed during your treatment. If your anxiety is making you postpone necessary dental work, you should bear in mind that delaying care can put you at risk for more serious issues.

Enjoying The Help You Need Without Undue Stress

The relaxing effect of nitrous oxide can make the procedure you are dreading go by without undue stress. The gas is administered through your time in the dentist’s chair. While you are breathing it in, you will be conscious, but in a relaxed state. The effects of the gas will not linger (meaning it will be easier to return to your day), and are mild enough to be safe for kids.

What Can Happen When Necessary Dental Work Is Not Received

Postponing dental work that you need to receive can lead to complications. Prompt care is key when you need to have a cavity restored. If you move swiftly to arrange your care, you should only need a dental filling. Those patients who wait too long, however, will ultimately need more involved care, and the placement of a dental crown.

Let Your Dentist Know If You Have Anxiety About An Upcoming Visit

Dr. Roberts, and the entire team at Greenhaven Family Dental, want you to have the best and most comfortable possible experience. If anxiety is interfering with your ability to undergo treatment, let the team know. If it is called for, Dr. Roberts can ensure you have nitrous oxide administered in order to help you relax through your care. To learn more about dental anxiety, or to schedule an appointment with us, call our office in Baxter, MN, today at (218) 454-0523. We proudly welcome residents from Brainerd, Little Falls, Staples, Crosby-Ironton-Deerwood, and all other surrounding communities.