What are you missing out on when you leave dental checkups off your schedule? The simple answer is that missing appointments leaves you vulnerable to dental problems, and to missing signs of oral health trouble. At every appointment, you receive the combined care of a professional dental cleaning, and an evaluation. The cleaning removes tartar and other debris from your teeth, and helps protect them from a future buildup of harmful materials. The review makes it possible for your dentist to identify trouble, and recommend any necessary restorative dental care while an issue is in its early stages.

1. The Removal Of Tartar From Teeth

If you are not receiving professional dental cleanings, you are not eliminating tartar. Unlike plaque, tartar will not be removed through at-home care. While your hygienist can remove the substance, brushing and flossing can fall short of the requirement.

2. Early Detection (And Treatment) For Cavities

If your dentist notices that a cavity has started to form on a tooth, they can tend to it, protect your tooth with a dental filling, and ensure the problem is stopped. However, if you are not attending checkups, you may realize something is wrong only when the cavity is large enough to require a dental crown.

3. Full Awareness Of Your Overall Oral Health

Your dentist is watching out for cavities, but they are giving your smile their full attention while watching out for any number of issues. For example, your dentist might point out symptoms of gum disease. Once found, this issue can be addressed with a scaling and root planing.

Schedule Your Next Dental Checkup At Greenhaven Family Dental

Is your next dental checkup already scheduled? If not, you should look to fix this as soon as you can. With regular checkups from Dr. Roberts at Greenhaven Family Dental, you can protect your smile against a variety of threats, and enjoy superior oral care. To schedule your appointment with Dr. Roberts for general or restorative dental care, you can  call our office in Baxter, MN, today at (218) 454-0523. We are proud to address the oral health needs of patients from Brainerd, Little Falls, Staples, Crosby-Ironton-Deerwood, and all surrounding communities.