Greenhaven Family Dental

Why Do I Need To Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

You may be aware of the fact that many people will have their wisdom teeth removed. However, you may be unsure of why this needs to take place. Why do these teeth cause issues for people? Your wisdom teeth arrive later in life than your other teeth, and they can often erupt in ways that are disruptive. They could arrive and press against neighboring teeth, creating discomfort, but their improper eruption can also create concerns for your jawbone, or your nerves. Your dentist can extract wisdom teeth, to spare you from these issues.

Other Situations That Can Call For A Tooth Extraction

An extraction can be performed for more than just problematic wisdom teeth. While they will do whatever they can to save a tooth suffering a cavity, extreme tooth decay can call for removal if no other restorative dental treatment will suffice. You could also need a tooth removed if it is seriously damaged in an injury, or if it has been robbed of support because of gum disease.

Making Patient Comfort A Real Priority

Your dentist wants you to have the most comfortable possible experience. This is true even when you are going through something like an extraction. To help you feel more at ease during this process, your dentist can provide nitrous oxide to help you relax. One benefit to relying on nitrous oxide is that the effects of the gas will not linger. You can have it administered during your treatment, and still be capable of safely driving home. This can help patients going through more involved procedures, but it is also used for patients who struggle with dental anxiety.

Visit Our Office in Baxter, MN!

Dr. Clinton L. Roberts and the friendly staff at Greenhaven Family Dental are happy to help you maintain healthy and beautiful smile with a comprehensive approach to general dentistry. With years of training and experience in dental sleep medicine, Dr. Roberts is also adept at helping patients treat snoring and sleep apnea so they can rest more easily (and quietly). To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call our office in Baxter, MN, today at (218) 454-0523. We proudly welcome patients from Brainerd, Little Falls, Staples, Crosby-Ironton-Deerwood, and all surrounding communities.

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