Greenhaven Family Dental

Tooth Fillings Will Get You Back on Track

In perfect world, you stay completely on top of your oral health. Brushing your teeth twice a day and regularly flossing disrupts bacteria accumulation. By making regular visits to your dentist as well, you can make sure that plaque has not formed any cavities on the surfaces of your teeth. While this is an ideal case, things don’t always work out the way you want them to. You may become lax on your home care routine, or you may forget to schedule your biannual dentist appointments. If you develop cavities over time, all hope is not lost! You can get your teeth back on track with dental fillings. These fillings restore the structure damaged by cavities.

Cavities Destroy the Enamel of Your Teeth

In order to propagate, the bacteria on the surfaces of your teeth have to consume food. Bacteria utilize the residue from food left on your teeth as an energy source. (This is why it’s important to avoid too many sugary sweets, and to be faithful about brushing your teeth after consuming them.) When bacteria metabolize this food, they produce acid as result. This acid wears away at the enamel of your teeth, eventually creating a hole. This is what dentists call a cavity. Cavity damage can cause pain, unsightly black spots, and structural damage that could jeopardize your tooth.

A Dental Filling Fills in the Cavity Left by Bacteria

In order to recover from the damage that bacteria cause, you need a dental filling. Your dentist will remove the bacteria buildup in your tooth. Then, he or she will use a biocompatible material to fill in the hole in your tooth. Your dentist can use metal, or tooth-colored options like porcelain and resin, to fill in the cavity. While the tooth-colored options aren’t as durable as metal, they can stand up to a typical amount of pressure, making them a great option for teeth at the front of your mouth that are more visible.

Greenhaven Family Dental Can Set Your Dental Filling

If you’ve fallen out of the habit of taking care of your teeth, now is the time to turn it around! Dental fillings allow your teeth to recover from cavity damage. Until you take action to remove bacteria and repair your teeth though, they won’t begin to get better. Greenhaven Family Dental provides a welcoming care environment that makes you feel good about your treatment. You can find the right filling for your tooth when you work with Dr. Roberts and his knowledgeable team. Make an appointment today by contacting Greenhaven Family Dental in Baxter, MN at 218-454-0523.

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