Greenhaven Family Dental

The Basics of Scaling and Root Planing

Oral bacteria can pose a greater or smaller risk for you, depending on who you are. That’s because everyone’s genetics are different, and some individuals are predisposed to having issues with cavities and gum disease. You can control factors like how often you brush and floss, and how often you visit the dentist, but some people will always have to work a little harder to keep their mouth clean. If you’re someone who struggles with gum disease, your dentist will recommend scaling and root planing to treat the condition. Here’s a basic breakdown of what this treatment involves.

How Does Gum Disease Cause Problems for Your Teeth?

Your teeth extend well beneath your gum line. While you may not be able to see the roots of your teeth, they serve an incredibly important function. Your roots hold your teeth in place within your jaw bone, and they allow you to chew food with confidence. Even though the roots are beneath the gum line, bacteria can still cause problems for them. Bacteria may build up along the gum line and even sink beneath it. As that bacteria attaches itself to the surface of your roots, it can sever the connections between your teeth and your jaw bone.

Scaling Is the Process by Which Your Dentist Removes Bacteria

With the connection between tooth and bone severed, your teeth may become loose and susceptible to falling out. Your dentist can remove harmful bacteria from the surfaces of your tooth roots with scaling. During this process, your dentist will carefully access the area beneath your gum line to physically scale away the bacteria from your roots. Over time, the connections between your teeth and jawbone can heal and reform, that is, if you treat the condition promptly. Advanced gum disease, periodontitis, will cause the degradation of the jawbone.

Root Planing Creates a Smooth Surface for Reconnection

Scaling is just one half of the treatment used to reverse gum disease. Once the roots of your teeth are clean, your dentist will perform root planing to eliminate any ridges or grooves that may have formed as the result of bacterial activity. With a smooth root surface, your jawbone can comfortably reconnect and provide the strength and stability you experienced before gum disease. Again, it’s important to seek this treatment right away to eliminate the possibility that you develop periodontitis.

Schedule a Dentist Appointment at the First Sign of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious condition that can snowball if left untreated. If you notice redness, swelling, and inflammation in your gums, contact your dentist right away. At Greenhaven Family Dental, our staff can use scaling and root planing to treat gingivitis and heal your gums. Schedule an appointment for treatment at Greenhaven Family Dental in Baxter, MN by calling our office at 218-454-0523.

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