Greenhaven Family Dental

Supporting Your Smile With A Professional Dental Cleaning

It is hard to overstate how important good daily oral care is for your dental health. Brushing at least twice a day, and flossing at least once, can make it significantly easier for you to prevent the formation of cavities. Unfortunately, one thing the best at-home habits are not able to do is effectively address tartar. Once plaque hardens into tartar, it can stay on your teeth until you receive a professional cleaning during a routine dental checkup. In addition to taking care of any tartar they find, your hygienist can also make sure to thoroughly clean areas of your teeth that are more difficult for you to reach.

Tartar Removal Can Protect Your Teeth

When tartar forms, the substance can continue to attack your enamel. That uninterrupted presence can make you more likely to suffer decay that builds to the point of becoming a cavity. One benefit from seeing your dentist on a recommended six-month schedule is the regular cleaning you receive, which can take care of any tartar that has formed. It is worth noting that when you practice good brushing and flossing habits, you are less likely to have tartar in the first place.

A Periodontal Deep Cleaning Can Protect You Against Gum Disease

For patients who show signs of periodontal disease, a scaling/root planing can offer vital protection. Without a successful intervention, gum disease can become severe, and can destroy the tissues supporting your teeth. Complications from serious gum disease will cause many older adults to lose teeth. Stopping a growing infection with a scaling/root planing can protect you from this fate.

Visit Our Office in Baxter, MN!

Dr. Clinton L. Roberts and the friendly staff at Greenhaven Family Dental are happy to help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile with a comprehensive approach to general dentistry. With years of training and experience in dental sleep medicine, Dr. Roberts is also adept at helping patients treat snoring and sleep apnea so they can rest more easily (and quietly). To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call our office in Baxter, MN, today at (218) 454-0523. We proudly welcome patients from Brainerd, Little Falls, Staples, Crosby-Ironton-Deerwood, and all surrounding communities.

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