Greenhaven Family Dental

Should My Aching Tooth Be Extracted?

Your tooth pain only seems to grow worse, and you worry that you will need significant work done to restore your oral health. Feelings of this nature can be difficult, but you should not ignore the worry you feel over your smile, as you raise your risk for complications when you continue to disregard trouble. At our Baxter, MN dentist’s office, we can evaluate you and let you know how care should proceed. Unfortunately, there is point where a tooth’s health can be so poor that an extraction is recommended. The good news is that through its removal, we can restore your oral health, and we can provide subsequent restorative work to give you back your complete smile.

A Significant Or Persistent Toothache Can Be A Serious Warning

The persistent pain you feel in your tooth can be a serious warning that something is wrong. Unfortunately, when dental problems occur and go without treatment for an extended length of time, there is a risk that the trouble will become so severe that an extraction has to take place. Through the careful removal of the problem tooth, we can stop potential complications from occurring. We can also take care to plan work to restore your full smile with a prosthetic.

Having Your Tooth Extracted

Whenever tooth extraction must take place, we will take care to make the process as comfortable as possible. That being said, comfort is just one concern of several when it comes to this treatment. By having a tooth extracted by a professional, you lower your risk for potential injuries and complications that affect your neighboring teeth. This can ensure you can transition from treatment for your tooth to work that restores your complete smile.

What Can You Do To Restore Your Smile After An Extraction

Restoring your complete smile after a tooth extraction lets you regain confidence in how you look, and it also provides functional support so that you can bite and chew without difficulty. A dental bridge gives us the means to permanently restore a smile affected by the loss of one tooth, or the loss of multiple teeth that are next to each other. The appliance can stay secure without the need for oral surgery, as it is secured with a pair of dental crowns.

Talk To Your Baxter, MN Dentist About A Careful Tooth Extraction

Problems with teeth that are in poor health should not be taken lightly. Unfortunately, when problems are ignored, or when issues like dental trauma lead to significant problems without warning, you may find yourself in need of an extraction. To learn how we can provide this service while prioritizing your smile health, please contact your Baxter, MN, dentist, Dr. Roberts, at (218) 454-0523.

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