Greenhaven Family Dental

Regular Preventive Visits Defend You Against Dental Troubles

If you only come in to see your dentist when you are worried something might be wrong, you are missing out on the benefits of regular preventive dental care. Your dentist can certainly help you when you arrive seeking care for a problem, but recurring visits allow you to enjoy consistent good care. You are better protected against tooth decay and gum disease, and your dentist has the opportunity to alert you to problems in their early stages. A scheduled visit every six months does not take the burden of preventive care entirely off of you, of course – you still need to keep a smart diet, and brush and floss effectively.

The Benefits You Gain From Routine Dental Care

During a routine dental visit, you have your dentist’s attention trained on your oral health. That means they are on the lookout for any worrying signs of decay, and checking for additional problems, like gum disease. You also have a professional teeth cleaning provided by your hygienist. The tools and training they possess make them capable of removing tartar, a substance that resists at-home cleaning attempts.

An Advanced Cleaning To Protect You Against Periodontal Issues

In some cases, your preventive visit can involve a deep periodontal cleaning. This treatment, also known as a scaling/root planing, helps to stop gum disease. Your dentist will clean the areas of your teeth that are normally covered by your gum line, removing any bacteria that may have infiltrated these spaces. The treatment also involves a treatment to make these areas of your teeth harder for bacteria to stick to.

Schedule Regular Preventive Care With Dr. Roberts

Regular preventive dental care with Dr. Roberts at Greenhaven Family Dental can make it easier for you to avoid problems like cavities, and gum disease. Patients are typically advised to come in for appointments every six months, though if your dentist sees a different time line as being more beneficial to your needs, they will let you know. To learn more about us, or to schedule an appointment, call our office in Baxter, MN, today at (218) 454-0523. We are proud to welcome patients hailing from Brainerd, Little Falls, Staples, Crosby-Ironton-Deerwood, and all surrounding communities.

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