Greenhaven Family Dental

Gingivitis: What Am I Missing?

womanwonderingredHave you experienced gingivitis, feeling completely surprised that you could possible succumb to this oral health problem? After all, you take care of your smile with great dedication, so what’s the problem? In many instances, it turns out that patients care for their smile with enthusiasm – but they make couple missteps that lead to poor results rather than good ones. When it comes to protecting your smile from periodontal disease, we encourage you to consider some essential aspects of care you may simply be overlooking.

#1: You’re Not Brushing Your Gumline

If you brush your teeth every day, you might not see the results you want if you are forgetting about your gumline. Plaque makes its way beneath your gum tissue – as do food particles – which can quickly lead to accumulation and inflammation. Protect yourself from periodontal disease by angling the brush at a 45-degree angle toward your gumline. Move the brush to pull debris and plaque away from your gum tissue.

#2: Your Flossing Needs Improvement

Your dental floss might not help if you’re not removing plaque from beneath your gumline. This is easy to fix. Remember to bend floss to the side, so it curves around your tooth. Begin beneath your gumline and use the floss to gentle scrape plaque away, while dislodging food debris.

#3: Additional Factors Come Into Play

You may be brushing and flossing and feeling like you’re doing an all around wonderful job preventing periodontal disease. However, gingivitis may still occur. What you may not know is that there are some additional factors that can increase your chances of developing gum inflammation, such as changes in hormone levels, certain medications, heredity, your sex, and even how many years you have been on this planet. Schedule a visit with us, so we may offer additional insight and help.

Visit Our Office in Baxter, MN!

Dr. Clinton L. Roberts and the friendly staff at Greenhaven Family Dental are happy to help you maintain healthy and beautiful smile with a comprehensive approach to general dentistry. With years of training and experience in dental sleep medicine, Dr. Roberts is also adept at helping patients treat snoring and sleep apnea so they can rest more easily (and quietly). To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call our office in Baxter, MN, today at (218) 454-0523. We proudly welcome patients from Brainerd, Little Falls, Staples, Crosby-Ironton-Deerwood, and all surrounding communities.

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