Greenhaven Family Dental

Experiencing Gum Inflammation? Try Scaling and Root Planing

Inflamed gums are nothing to ignore. If you experience pain, or you notice redness and swelling around your gum line, these are signs of inflammation. It’s possible that you have developed sore that may go away after a day or two. However, if you notice chronic inflammation around your gums, you need to take action quickly. This inflammation may be caused by bacteria buildup around and beneath the gum line. Untreated chronic inflammation of the gums leads to gingivitis. To treat your gum inflammation, you should try scaling and root planing.

What Are Scaling and Root Planing?

Scaling and root planing aren’t run-of-the-mill dental procedures. You won’t receive this treatment during your biannual dental checkups. This process, also referred to as “deep cleaning,” is used specifically to clean the gums. Through scaling, your dentist can access the roots of your teeth. He or she can then clean bacteria off of their surfaces and the area beneath the gum line. If the bacteria have been untreated for a long time, they may have worn away at your roots. Root planing smooths out the surfaces of your roots to prevent future damage.

Scaling and Root Planing Can Treat Gingivitis and Prevent Periodontitis

When it comes to gum disease, gingivitis is only the beginning. While it is a serious condition, the consequences of avoiding treatment can be much worse. Periodontitis is advanced gum disease, and it is irreversible. That means that while you can manage the symptoms, you cannot eliminate them. Those symptoms are no fun, either. Periodontitis can cause a weakening of the jaw bone, which causes your teeth to become loose. The end result can be tooth loss.

Utilize Scaling and Root Planing to Keep Periodontitis Away

Be sure to examine your gums at home for signs of inflammation. If you suspect that you have a condition, consult with your dentist to decide on a plan of treatment. Undergoing scaling and root planing now could prevent you from much more serious consequences later. To schedule an appointment for a deep cleaning, contact Greenhaven Family Dental in Baxter, MN at 218-454-0523.

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