Greenhaven Family Dental

Dental Fillings: Let Us Fill You In

toothfullwhiteAre you generally responsible adult who follows the suggestions of your dentist and doctor – but there’s something about scheduling restorative care visits that causes you to hesitate? Don’t worry – when patients discover they need a dental filling or other restoration, they often find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. They know the right thing to do is to schedule the appointment but they have questions that they need answered first. In the name of education and ensuring our patients feel informed, we always welcome your questions and offer thorough explanations. For the time being, consider some introductory details about fillings that will help you feel confident.

Tooth Decay Is Progressive

The cavity in your tooth is not a hole that will simply stay just as it is until you decide to schedule your dental filling with us. In fact, it’s the side effect of a progressive oral disease that will continue destroy your tooth tissue. Eventually – when left untreated – it will expose the nerves within deeper layers of your tooth (causing sensitivity) and will offer bacteria access to the inside of your tooth (leading to infection). The sooner you treat your tooth decay, the better.

A Filling Restores Your Smile

A dental filling will restore your oral health. It’s important to recognize that there are a couple different things that you need repaired. First, the goal of a filling is to remove the decayed tissue that has formed within your tooth, so that the disease will stop advancing and causing damage. Second, we need to replace the lost tissue to restore the structure of your tooth. Once the filling is placed, your smile is whole and healthy again.

Visit Our Office in Baxter, MN!

Dr. Clinton L. Roberts and the friendly staff at Greenhaven Family Dental are happy to help you maintain healthy and beautiful smile with a comprehensive approach to general dentistry. With years of training and experience in dental sleep medicine, Dr. Roberts is also adept at helping patients treat snoring and sleep apnea so they can rest more easily (and quietly). To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call our office in Baxter, MN, today at (218) 454-0523. We proudly welcome patients from Brainerd, Little Falls, Staples, Crosby-Ironton-Deerwood, and all surrounding communities.

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