Greenhaven Family Dental

Anxious About A Dental Treatment? Talk To Your Dentist

Some patients will have no trouble seeing their dentist, even if they need to have restorative dental work done. However, it is not so easy for everyone to spend time in the dentist’s chair. Some patients can experience anxiety, and feel reluctant to go in for treatment. Other patients will have what is known as dental fear, a more pronounced concern about seeing their dentist. Nitrous oxide can help put you at ease when you come in for an appointment, or need work done. This relaxing agent is counted on to help patients manage their discomfort, and enjoy the care they need without experiencing undue stress.

Helping Patients Relax During A Dental Treatment

Your dentist will work to provide you with a comfortable environment every time you come in for treatment. While they want you to feel at ease naturally, they recognize that dental anxiety and dental fear can make that difficult for some people. When you receive nitrous oxide, you can have an easier time during an appointment. The gas can help you if you frequently experience dental anxiety, but it also helps patients who need help relaxing during a longer or more involved procedure.

Working With Patients Who Experience Dental Anxiety Or Dental Fear

If you experience dental anxiety, or dental fear, you should understand that avoiding your dentist puts you at risk for more significant issues. Communicating these concerns, and finding relief through nitrous oxide, can ensure that you enjoy regular preventive dental checkups. These checkups provide your dentist with a chance to catch developing problems; without them, you could find yourself needing more advanced work done.

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