Greenhaven Family Dental

A Professional Dental Cleaning Can Prevent Future Problems

Your dentist’s regular review of your oral health can detect problems, but what can they do to help you avoid them? Part of every dental checkup will consist of professional teeth cleaning from your hygienist. In addition to being able to carefully tend to even the toughest to reach spots, your hygienist will take care of tartar. This substance remains after routine brushing and flossing, so its removal is important to helping you sustain a cavity-free mouth. For patients who show signs of poor periodontal health, an additional cleaning known as a scaling/root planing may be needed.

Your Hygienist Can Remove Tartar During Your Checkup

Any concentrations of plaque that are not promptly removed during your daily oral care will harden into tartar. Once this hardening occurs, your best brushing and flossing will fall short of what is needed to remove the substance. That being said, your hygienist has the right tools, and the right training, to make short work of plaque. During your cleaning session, they will carefully examine your teeth, and remove any plaque, tartar, or other debris that turns up in their review.

Will I Need To Undergo A Scaling/Root Planing?

A scaling/root planing procedure protects patients who are showing signs of gum disease. Your dentist will be able to point these out to you during your review. They can include a sensitivity to bleeding, a receding of your gum line, and a swelling or reddening of the tissue. This cleaning, also known as a deep cleaning, involves removing debris from your teeth under your gum line, which can reverse gingivitis. Without timely care, your gums can grow worse, and that can lead to more alarming complications, including a heightened risk for adult tooth loss.

Enjoy A Professional Dental Cleaning At Greenhaven Family Dental

Your professional cleaning is an important part of the preventive dental care you enjoy during routine checkups at Greenhaven Family Dental. Dr. Roberts and his staff want you to enjoy your healthiest smile, and will put in the care needed to ensure you leave each appointment enjoying superior level of oral health.  To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call our office in Baxter, MN, today at (218) 454-0523. We are happy to work with patients from Brainerd, Little Falls, Staples, Crosby-Ironton-Deerwood, and all surrounding areas.

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