Greenhaven Family Dental

2 Common Questions About Your Tongue

tongueteethwomanDo you generally spend your dental hygiene sessions focusing on your teeth and gums? Don’t worry, you are certainly placing your efforts in the right place. However, when it comes to your tongue, you may find yourself wondering about your daily care and whether you need to consider it an essential member of the oral health club. The answer is a resounding, “Yes!” While you don’t need to do anything too special, there are certainly a couple common questions worth asking (so we can provide you with the surprisingly helpful answers).

Question 1: Should I brush my tongue or do something special to clean it?

Yes, you should clean your tongue! You may go ahead and brush it with your toothbrush and the same paste you use for your twice-daily brushing. Simply remember to sweep away debris and bacteria from it surface when you brush your teeth and you’ll be in good shape. Not too excited about this thought? Seek out a tongue cleaner or tongue scraper from your local drugstore. For those without a penchant for a bristle-based cleaning of their tongue, this is a comfortable alternative to protect your oral health.

Question 2: Do those indentations mean anything?

Yes, if you notice indentations along the outer border of your tongue, you may be witnessing a symptom of an oral health problem called bruxism. Don’t worry, this is not something to feel nervous about. Simply call us to schedule a checkup, so we can determine whether you are, in fact, grinding and/or clenching your teeth. If so, we may guide you toward the proper changes and therapy that will alleviate this daily stress you have been putting on your teeth (and your tongue).

Visit Our Office in Baxter, MN!

Dr. Clinton L. Roberts and the friendly staff at Greenhaven Family Dental are happy to help you maintain healthy and beautiful smile with a comprehensive approach to general dentistry. With years of training and experience in dental sleep medicine, Dr. Roberts is also adept at helping patients treat snoring and sleep apnea so they can rest more easily (and quietly). To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call our office in Baxter, MN, today at (218) 454-0523. We proudly welcome patients from Brainerd, Little Falls, Staples, Crosby-Ironton-Deerwood, and all surrounding communities.

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